Pure Ceylon Cinnamon
Cinnamon is known as one of the first traded and most popular spices from the ancient world. It belongs to the family Lauraceae and there are more than 250 species and sub species. The expensive and rare cinnamon variety is known as “Ceylon cinnamon” which is native to Sri Lanka. Due to unique chemical properties over other varieties, Ceylon variety has high reputation and demand in the world.
Ceylon cinnamon contains more than 80 chemical components. Cinnamaldehyde is the essential component of the bark and eugenol is the main component found in the cinnamon leaf oil.
This valuable spice has been noted as the most beneficial among the rest in the spice industry. Besides being a spice in nature, it was used as medicine, medical production, perfume production as well as soft drinks. Currently, cinnamon is widely used in pharmaceutical industries, bakeries and cosmetic industries throughout the world.
Types of cinnamon
According to the physical location and chemical characteristics, cinnamon is divided into few main categories. There are significant physical and scientific different among them. But, all of those different varieties are commonly available in the global market as ‘cinnamon’.
- Ceylon cinnamon (True/ Pure cinnamon) – Cinnamomum zeylanicum syn. Cinnamomum verum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum blume
- Cassia
- Chinese cassia (Chinese cinnamon) – Cinnamomum cassia syn. C. aromaticum
- Vietnamese cassia (Saigon/ Vietnamese cinnamon) – Cinnamomum loureiroi
- Indonesian cassia (Korintje Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum burmannii
Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia are the main specie types traded in the international market under the term of ‘Cinnamon’. Both are belonging to the family Lauraceae. Cassia cinnamon contains different sub varieties come from different countries. Chinese cassia, Vietnamese cassia and Indonesian cassia are the major spices belongs to the term of ‘Cassia’ .
Ceylon cinnamon
Ceylon cinnamon is the expensive, rare, safe and recommended variety over all other varieties including Cassia, Korintje and Saigon. True cinnamon is graded as the fourth most expensive spice in the world. 80%-90% of world’s production of this product belongs to a small Asian country, known as Sri Lanka.
Chinese cassia
China (Kwangsi and Kwangtung Provinces) is the main producer and exporter of Chinese cassia. This is the commonly available variety in the international market.
Vietnamese cassia
Before the Vietnam War, this product came from area around the southern city of Saigon in Vietnam. Now it comes from central regions of central Vietnam. This contains strong spicy taste, high levels of oil content and more coumarin level (one study shows it as 7 g/kg) than other three varieties.
Indonesian cassia
This variety is cultivated in West Sumatra and western Jambi province in Indonesia. This is the most common and cheapest variety available in the US market. The leaf oil of this type does not contain eugenol.
What is True cinnamon?
This is the cinnamon product comes from Sri Lanka. The source is Cinnamomum verum tree under the family Lauraceae. Naturally dried inner bark of the tree comes to the market through a hand crafted process. The final product is available as a valuable spice that contains sweet taste and confirmed health advantages.
Due to its unique aroma, quality, health benefits and ultra-low coumarin value, Ceylon cinnamon has obtained a wide reputation in the global market. The quills are specially prepared in a way that is unique to Sri Lanka. Over centuries this skill has been transferred from generation to generation.
Ceylon cinnamon is exported all over the world but the USA and Mexico are the main markets. A significant amount of Sri Lankan cinnamon products is used in Europe, Spain, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Bolivia and Chile.
Cinnamomum verum is usually labeled “Ceylon cinnamon”. If you are a consumer lives in Europe or America, the product in your cupboard is probably not true product , but a cassia variety that labeled as ‘cinnamon’.
Mexico is a major buyer for the product. Due to the wide usage and exchange in Mexico, true cinnamon is sometimes referred as Mexican cinnamon (Canela) in the market. Mexicans never cultivate or produce this spice in their country. Actually, Canela is the same cinnamomum verum sticks imported from Sri Lanka.
Ceylon vs. Cassia

True Cinnamon (~0.004% coumarin)

Cassia (~ 5% of coumarin)
Cinnamomum verum and Cinnamomum cassia are totally different spices. The major difference is coumarin content of each spice. C. verum contains ultra-low coumarin content compare to cassia and its varieties. In 2006, Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has warned against regular usage of Cassia, due to its higher coumarin content.
Ceylon Cinnamon (CZ) | Cassia Cinnamom(CC) |
Very expensive and rare to find out from original country. | Common and cheap spice |
Contains ultra low Coumarin content which is healthy (~0.004%) | Coumain level is 1200 times more which occur kidney and liver issues (~5%). |
Recommended for daily use by doctors. | Not recommended for daily use as it cause health problems. |
Colour is tan brown. | Colour is reddish dark brown. |
Very light paper thickness of bark which forms multiple layers rolled up as coil. | Uneven thickness and forms only few layers (mostly single) when rolled up. |
Fragile, easily broken. | Hard and difficult to grind. |
Delicate and sweet. Create an excellent flavor and aroma. | Pungent and full bodied taste. Recommended for Chinese foods. |
Not available in China | Not available in Sri Lanka. |
Products from Sri Lanka

Baling cinnamon (Sri Lanka; Late 1800s)
The term of ‘Ceylon’ comes according to the former name of an Asian country, Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka was known as ‘Ceylon’ until 1972. Cinnamon grown in Ceylon is known as’ Ceylon cinnamon’.
Spices are associated with the life of Sri Lankans. Cinnamon is come to top of those spices. The topical climate, rich soil and abundant rain in south cost of the country provide the ideal habitat for the growth of spices.

Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Sri Lanka holds the monopoly of international market belongs to Cinnamomum verum products. The 80%-90% of world production of Ceylon cinnamon originates from Sri Lanka. Rest of production comes from Seychelles, Madagascar and few other countries.
How to identify true cinnamon
High quality pure cinnamon comes only from Sri Lanka. If you are buying quills, differentiation is even easier as the form of quills are native to Sri-Lanka. You will find several folds of light brown clour layers, filling the cavity like a cigar in true quills. Cassia quills will have inward folded thick and dark brown layers (mostly single) that creating a hollow in the middle. Additionally, above Table-01 is showing all differences between two major varieties.
Cinnamon products
Full tubes, typically 42 inches long cinnamon sticks that prepared using scrapped inner bark of the plant on joined together by small overlaps. The hollow has been filled with small pieces of the peel and thereafter dried under air curing.
Broken cinnamon tubes (broken quills), pieces and splits of varying sizes of all grades.
Pieces of inner bark obtained by peeling and/or scraping the bark of small twigs and stalks of plantation shoots which may include a quantity of chips (unpeelable bark) as specified.
Dried unpeelable bark inclusive of the outer bark which has been obtained by beating or scraping the remaining shoots in the plantation after harvest.
Cinnamon powder
Also known as ground cinnamon, this is powdered cinnamon sticks. Be careful when you are buying ground form. The producer has chances to use low quality parts to prepare ground products. It is difficulty identify the quality of product in powder form.
Cinnamon oil
Cinnamon essential oil distillation in Sri Lanka would have probably commenced during the Dutch regime. Sri Lanka has been the traditional producer and exporter of value added products include cinnamon bark oil and leaf oil.
Cinnamomum verum generates two types of essential oil as leaf oil and bark oil. This bark oil (known as liquid cinnamon) contains cinnamaldehyde while eugenol is the major constituent in leaf oils.
Leaf oil
The cinnamon leaf oil obtains through steam distillation on collected leaf and twigs that remains on the cultivation after harvesting. Cinnamomum verum leaf oil contains higher amount of eugenol (68 – 87%) and less amount of cinnamaldehyde (0.5 – 1%).
The leaves are obtained as a by-product of the industry. The leaf oil is cheaper than bark oil and internal consumption not recommended.
Bark oil
The other form of essential oil, the bark oil is the result of steam distillation of cinnamon bark. This contains mostly cinnamaldehyde (63 – 75%) and eugenol (2 – 13%).
The cinnamon bark oil is one of the expensive essential oils in the market. The quality of bark oils depend on the material used to distill the oil. Quills are always recommended to obtain high quality bark oil, but it is not always used for the distillation.
Cassia oil
Unlike the two categories of Sri Lanka cinnamon oil, only one category of essential oil exists in cinnamomum cassia. This is because Cassia oil is distilled from a mixture of many parts of the tree. So, there is only one type of cassia oil exists.
Treatment for diabetes
Scientists have found that cinnamon helps for people to control blood sugar levels. According to a recent study completed in 2012 by few US health organizations have confirmed, the consumption of this spice is associated with a statistically significant decrease in levels of fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglyceride levels, and an increase in HDL-C levels.
For high blood pressure
Due to the presence of chemical components of cinnamon which has positive effects on the circulatory system, it lowers blood pressure. A research conducted by Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto (2013) has conformed use of cinnamon is associated with a notable reduction in Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP).
The results of the study recommend cinnamon for blood pressure control. According to the results, short term intake of of this spice dropped SBP and DBP blood pressure by 5.39 mm Hg and 2.6 mm Hg, respectively.
Cholesterol lowering effect
There’s evidence that cinnamon can lower cholesterol levels. The cholesterol-lowering effects also have been confirmed through animal studies. Several human studies have carried out to confirm the effect.
A study conducted by NWFP Agricultural University, Pakistan, shows cinnamon reduce the mean fasting serum glucose by 18-29%, triglyceride by 23-30%, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 7-27%, and total cholesterol by 12-26%. There was no noticeable change on HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels.
Weight loss
Controlled eating plan and daily exercise greatly increase the chance of achieving your weight loss targets. In addition, cinnamon could be provide significant side support in reduce your weight. Because of weight loss and cinnamon are connected together through insulin boosting and related abilities.
There was a study published by the University of Navarra, Spain, concluded cinnamon extracts as a potentially important anti-obesogenic extracts, due to its body fat-lowering effects. According to the study, Cinnamomum extracts prevented the increase in fat mass promoted by the high-fat-sucrose (HFS) diet in an animal model.
Side effects
True cinnamon is a safe spice. Every traditional Sri Lankan food dishes contain this spice as a flavoring agent. US department of health agency noted amount up to 6 grams daily for 6 weeks or less is safe if you intake cinnamon as a supplement.
Chinese cassia contains much higher concentrations of coumarin (the Ceylon variety contains about 0.004% coumarin, while Cassia contains 5-8%). Level of naturally occurring coumarin in cassia is 1200 times higher and may cause significant health problems if consumed in large amounts on a regular basis and can spell trouble for the liver and kidney. You can eat cinnamomum verum as much as you like, because it doesn’t have negative impact on your health.
Coumarin is a fragrant organic chemical compound found in many natural foods. It is moderately toxic to the liver and kidneys. According to tolerable daily intake (TDI) level established by German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), regular use of over 0.1 mg coumarin per kg body weight generates health risk. European health agencies have warned against regular use of cassia cinnamon because of its high amounts of coumarin content. Based on analysis done by BfR, one table spoon of cassia cinnamon powder contains 5.8 to 12.1 mg of coumarin, which is above than TDI valve for mid-range humans.
Where to buy genuine products?
Buy worldwide
Sri Lanka is the safest place you could access true cinnamon. This is simply because Sri Lanka is the sole and exclusive producer of Cinnamomum verum products. When buying, it is also important to be able to recognize true product from other inferior brands such as Cassia which is commonly available in the market. Cassia is being sold largely in the name of cinnamon at convention stores and other physical places. Hence if you are buying cinnamon from somewhere else in the world, always make sure to check the producer.
It is available in spice stores and supermarkets than local grocery stores in your country. Sri Lankan suppliers and growers usually do not maintain retails stores in other countries. But, some retailers sell cinnamomum verum in their stores that imported from Sri Lanka. If you can locate a Sri Lankan spice shop in your country, true cinnamon should be available there.
Buy online
However in buying true cinnamon, the smartest way for a buyer from another part of the world is to buy it online, from a Sri-Lankan online vendor who specifically has their own plantations in the country. They provide you recently harvested products from mother land to your door-step.
Some Sri Lankan vendors have been delivering their products worldwide from years, and their reputation is too worthy for them to risk it by selling anything less than pure cinnamon to their customers.
Cassia or sub varieties are not growing in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, Cassia related spices are not available in the Sri Lankan market. Hence, product you receive from Sri Lanka definitely be a Ceylon cinnamon product and it contains all attached health benefits, taste and aroma.
Your best bet is to purchase your product from a reputable online dealer who clearly labels their packages. They bring in fresh bark from Sri Lanka and would never put their reputation under hazard by selling wrong product instead of the true one. There are trustworthy sites offering customer feedback and testimonials which will be of great use to the buyers looking for Ceylon cinnamon.
- Sampling of Cinnamon Quills
- Specification for Cinnamon Whole or Ground
- Types of cinnamon
- 23 Health benefits of cinnamon
- The Antiadenovirus Activities of Cinnamaldehyde In Vitro
- BfR proposes maximum levels for coumarin in food
- Specifications for Sri Lankan essential oils
- Glucosamine, chondroitin, and manganese ascorbate for degenerative joint disease
I am in Western Canada,where can I buy your products?
Sri Lanka exports cinnamon to many countries. But we don’t know where is the exact place to buy this products in your country.
You can use below options to buy our products.
– ‘Shop’ in this website. Please refer menu bar above.
– If you prefer to use money orders or related payment method/ additional information, clarification or bulk quantity, please contact us.
I would like to know where can I get the products in South Africa, Durban. It proves to have so many benefits.
Answer for the first comment may give the answer for your question. If you need additional clarification, let me know.
I would like to order this, I live in Ottawa Ontario, Canada….How can I order this?
I don’t have a idea about local suppliers. If you order it on this website, we able to deliver it less than 10 days.
can you advise payment and shipping to Singapore. For personal use. Thank You.
We have two shipping options as Standard international shipping and Express shipping. You can pay through Paypal or using electronic cards. The payment process is fully secured through secure payment gateways.
Hie dear did you manage to get your product from Srilanka.I’m in johannesburg and I also need it.
Hie Admin I live in Johannesburg South Africa n how can I get items to this side?.Please help
We are a native Sri Lankan company registered in Sri Lanka. The company sells cinnamon collected from own land. The shipping Location is Southern part of Sri Lanka.
We have delivered orders to South Africa. But, it takes more time than normal. Some of last orders took 6 weeks to the destination. Alternately, you can ask for fast delivery from us if you can pay the additional cost.
What are the grade of your cinnamon? And are they organic?
The product grades are C4 and C5. If you need Alba quality, we can supply. But, it is much expensive. Some of sellers are selling normal grades (C4/ C5) as Alba.
Our products are organically grown in own cultivation in Sri Lanka. We never use Weedicide/ Pesticide for cultivation. All clearing & related works done by labours, manually. Please refer product images.
We do not use sulfur for refine the product. You will receive organically grown, weedicide & pesticide free, 0% sulfur sticks and powder from us.
hai can i get cinnamon leaf oil.
Due to shipping restrictions of liquid items, we have removed essential oil from our listings. We can arrange special shipment for bulk orders. Please contact us.
This is to inform you that I have already received the package yesterday. I would like to know if I should keep the stick in the refrigerator. Also, what is it’s life time?
Hello Sir,
I just want to inform you that I received my package in good order..Thanks much and hoping my subsequent order will be much faster.
I’m impressed about your services.
Thanks for your information. Your order has been delivered to Nigeria. So, it took little more time than usual.
Hi , I have received the order. Can I ask you, this Leaf Oil, can it be used to make bread or other food. What is the best usage for the oil.
External use only. Use it as a disinfectant, Make a facial scrub, Gargle as a mouthwash, Add it to your foot soak, Use leaf oil as an insect repellent, Add it to your shampoo.
Do not put it in a refrigerator. Keep it as dry form under air tight container. Dry it under indirect sunlight if wet. Check it once a month or two. If wet, dry it again. You can keep it long time.
Cinnamon will not expire. But, the aroma is going out.
What is the cost of your Alba grade ?
Where will I get this product in Pondicherry, India?
Sorry, we don’t have a store outside of Sri Lanka.
You can place an order on this website. We will deliver it to your home address.
We don’t have Alba grade for sale in this movement. Alaba grade is rare and expensive. Our listed product (C-4 to C5 grade) is in the normal price range and the quality is enough for daily needs.
Can I buy plants or seed from you?
Exporting plant means a hard process. We need to get approval from many organizations and need to use special packing for keep the plant alive.
I Received the shipment today afternoon, glad to have found your site, I will be buying like this once every few months for a long time since I have seen the importance in cinnamon and as well start referring your site to people I know who may be interested.
How long estimated time arrival to Jakarta-Indonesia since order? Thank you
Approximately it will take three weeks.
I’m looking for the nearest suppliers of your product.I’m in Greenville s.c USA
how long will it take from germinating the seeds to harvest the 1st bark (piece). I would like to grow in my garden. I love the smell and taste of cinnamon a lot.
It takes approximately 3 years.
We are sorry. We don’t have a supplier outside Sri Lanka. We do direct shipments from the origin.
Do you ship to New Zealand?
Can i have some cinnamon seed for my own consumption. Will pay the necessary cost.
Sorry. Its required special permission from the government and customs. The process is out of the scope of our company.
Dear Team, just placed an order for Cinnamon to be delivered in Bangalore, India. May I know the estimated time for delivery? Thank You!
Approximately, the delivery will take a month to India. Yes, India is very close to Sri Lanka. But, the clearing and delivery process in India take few weeks.
Thank you for the quick reply
I am in Saudi Arabia
I want to buy Cinnamon sticks and I did not find the Saudi Arabia country in the country menu.
How can I make an order to Saudi Arabia
We are sorry for inconvenience. We had get returned orders that we have sent to Saudi Arabia in last few months. It has happened continuously and we unable serve to Saudi Arabian customers due to the reason. Finally, we have decided to remove your country from our shipping list.
But, express shipping methods such as EMS, DHL may work for your country. If you still willing to buy our products, please contact us with required items and quantities. We will supply a price quotation with express shipping charges.
How long does it take to ship to NYC USA
Also what grade is your cinnamon
Express delivery – less than 10 days (Approx 5-7) days
Standard delivery – 20-35 days
C4-C5 grade, Naturally grown, Free from sulfur & other chemicals.
Dear Sir,
I received the order in very good condition and packing. I loved the quality of cinnamon powder, without your speedy dispatch of the quality product, I could not have started my healthy routine. Thank you so much, I shall order the same in future too.
Hello friends
When i got this website …the first thing came into mind that they will deliver or not… but frankly they did the job well delivered the original product. Great . Thanks.
Hi, thank you very much. I have received cinnamon and powder, both are extremely good. Willing to request your products again. Thanks a lot.
I am based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria how can I get your Ceylon cinnamon into my country?
Yes. We ship to Nigeria. You can buy it online from us.
Thank you very much for your Ceylon Cinnamon. It’s a good quality, I love it very much, Thanks again for your service and a good process.And sure I will use your service again in the future.
Hello, is the product listed on your website as ‘Alba Cinnamon’ is the true Alba grade or mostly the lesser grade. Also what duration will take for order to reach India destination- any customs duty is applicable?
Yes. It is ‘true Alba’ grade cinnamon. The diameter is approximately 6 mm.
The standard delivery will take 7-14 days to India. Due to customs clearance and internal delivery takes additional days. Normally, customs duties does not apply for small packets which import for personal use.
Hi, I am wondering if your cinnamon quills undergo an irradiation process? Thank you.
Hello,which one is the stronger aroma and taste between Alba and C5 ?
We need cinnamon to manage blood glucose level naturally for diabetic. Which quality should we buy? Is the normal grade good enough? Or is Alba grade more effective? The aroma doesn’t matter to us. More concerned with efficacy. We want to buy big quantity to keep for long time. Can we keep both grades equal length of time?
The normal grade good enough for your requirements. All Ceylon cinnamon types including Alba comes from same cinnamomum zeylanicum (syn. cinnamomum verum) tree.
Peelers give more attention to prepare Alba sticks. Young trees use as source and source plantations specially maintain to prepare Alba. So it Alba has superior qualities such as good taste, nice appearance, etc. But, chemical properties are almost same with other types of Ceylon cinnamon due to same tree.
Alba. It is the top grade of Ceylon cinnamon.
No irradiation. No chemicals.
We were on a week vacation to Sri Lanka in January 2020. It is a very beautiful country.
The tour driver took us to a big Spice stores where presentations were made and we purchased a good amount of spices.
On our return I gave bottles of them to our families. We found that Cinammon powder and sticks did not smell like ceylonese cinammon that we buy in USA and in India. The powder cinnamon bottle when opened was more like sawdust.
My wife threw away all the spices we bought there. We are unfortunately very disappointed.
We regret the inconvenience as a Sri Lankan.
Ceylon spices are rated as top quality spices in the world. But, high quality spice products are not available everywhere. It is difficult to find high quality spices in general market here. Some reputed companies maintain the quality of their products with controlling the production process from the harvesting. Otherwise it is difficult to supply top quality spices under behavior of common production here.
If someone keeps spices with improper storage conditions, it moves out from original qualities. We think that is the reason for your trouble. Big Spice stores are middleman in the process. So, they advertise products well and the business looks attractive. But, they unable to assure quality of the products.
So, always try to buy products from producers. Most of producers don’t have commercial outlets. You may have to go to their places in rural locations. Otherwise, they may deliver products to your hotel in Sri Lanka within few days if you personally contacted them. Supermarkets such as Cargils, Keels also a alternative solution for mid quality spices. You can collect some spices from there if you unable to find trusted supplier.
We love Ceylon spices. We are trying to eliminate black marks on this unrivaled legend.
I am interested to buy your cinnamon. I am a diabetic.
Can we get your ceylon cinnamon H1 grade or M grade from any of your dealer in India.
Please provide their contact details.